Oxtremists - Oxford Agile Book Group
I've started a book group for anyone in the Oxford area who'd like to meet up and talk about agile software development. There's a blog-based website and a Yahoo group to help spread the word.
The first meeting is at "Far from the Madding Crowd" on 3 May 2006 at 8pm. We'll be discussing "Refactoring" by Martin Fowler. This is a book I've been meaning to re-read for some time, so now I've got a real incentive to do so! Anyone with an interest in Agile is welcome, even if you've never read the book...
The first meeting is at "Far from the Madding Crowd" on 3 May 2006 at 8pm. We'll be discussing "Refactoring" by Martin Fowler. This is a book I've been meaning to re-read for some time, so now I've got a real incentive to do so! Anyone with an interest in Agile is welcome, even if you've never read the book...